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The Advanced Heating & Cooling team is here to help you decide on replacing an old furnace or repairing it?  When replacement is the better option for you, we will install a new system that is energy efficient.

Are you familiar with the acronym AFUE?  Perhaps not.  The Department of Energy has a great web site ( that explains how consumers can compare systems using AFUE.

This excerpt is from their site” AFUE is a measure of how efficient the appliance is in converting the energy in its fuel to heat over the course of a typical year.

Specifically, AFUE is the ratio of annual heat output of the furnace or boiler compared to the total annual fossil fuel energy consumed by a furnace or boiler. An AFUE of 90% means that 90% of the energy in the fuel becomes heat for the home and the other 10% escapes up the chimney and elsewhere.”

SO another way to put this is –if you have an old system it may be 65% or 80% efficient.  New systems offer better energy efficiency.  We will help you select the right system and size for your home.

Call us today and we’ll consult you on the best HVAC options for your home.
