Your Trusted Furnace and Air Conditioning Service Provider


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Did you hear that?

You know that old saying, “listen to your gut”? Well, in my business, I say listen for weird sounds. When furnaces start to go they tend to make some new funky sounds. When you hear something different than usual call Advanced Heating & Cooling and we’ll come and check it out!
We know what to listen and look for and can let you know if the issue requires a part replacement or is part of a larger problem.

Is it running again?

You should also listen to the cycle time. This is when the furnace kicks on, how long it runs and when it shuts off. If you notice erratic cycle times, just give us a call. We will check out your thermostat and furnace to make sure they are working at optimal levels.

Maintenance- The Key to Longevity

Just remember with each winter season your furnace incurs new wear. It is recommended that you get clean and checks performed in the fall and that you replace filters often. Just like a car- maintenance can extend the life of your system. The new systems can be increase your energy efficiency and provide peace of mind because you won’t be calling for repairs due to the age of the system. A typical system should last 20 years but this varies with the wear and tear of the system. At Advanced Heating & Cooling we can help you evaluate when you need to replace your system and we can discuss the latest thermostats, HVAC systems, furnaces or air conditioning systems.
